Deno press
Or the script that makes this website possible
The script
import * as md6 from ''
// # Make dir
await Deno.mkdir("./public", { recursive: true });
// # Copy css and assets
await{ cmd: ["cp", "-r", "./script/css", "./public/"] });
await{ cmd: ["cp", "-r", "./script/assets", "./public/"] });
// # Make Pages
// ## Get layout
const layoutHtml = await Deno.readTextFile("./script/layout.html");
// ## Get all md files
const tree ={ cmd: ["tree", "-fin", "blog/"], stdout: "piped" });
const tree_output = new TextDecoder().decode(await tree.output());
const files = tree_output
.slice(1, -3)
.filter((f) => f.endsWith(".md"))
.map((f) => f.split("/"));
// ### Find if path as children
const hasChildren = (path, files) => {
const node = path.join("/").slice(0, -3) + "/";
const nodes = => f.join("/"));
return nodes.some((n) => n.startsWith(node));
const mapHasChildren = (paths, files) => {
return => {
return {
path: p,
children: hasChildren(p, files),
// ### Get all the relative files to make nav
const getRelatives = (file, files) => {
const parents = files.filter((f) => {
const good = f[file.length - 2];
if (good != undefined) {
return (
good.endsWith(".md") && f[file.length - 3] == file[file.length - 3]
} else {
return false;
const siblings = files.filter((f) => {
const good = f[file.length - 1];
if (good != undefined) {
return (
good.endsWith(".md") && f[file.length - 2] == file[file.length - 2]
} else {
return false;
const children = files.filter((f) => {
const end = file[file.length - 1].slice(0, -3);
if (f[f.length - 2] != undefined) {
return f[f.length - 2] == end;
} else {
return false;
const pMap = mapHasChildren(parents, files);
const sMap = mapHasChildren(siblings, files);
const cMap = mapHasChildren(children, files);
return { parents: pMap, siblings: sMap, children: cMap };
const makeLinks = (column, files, file) => {
if (files.length > 0) {
return `<nav class="column ${column}">
${ => `
<a href="/${f.path.slice(1).join("/").slice(0, -3)}.html"
${f.path == file ? "here" : ""}
${f.children ? "children" : ""}
${f.path[f.path.length - 1].slice(0, -3)}
} else {
return "";
// ## Make page for all files
const makePage = async (file, files) => {
let page = `${layoutHtml}`;
const { parents, siblings, children } = getRelatives(file, files);
const parentsLink = makeLinks("parents", parents, file);
const siblingsLink = makeLinks("siblings", siblings, file);
const childrenLink = makeLinks("children", children, file);
const filePath = file.join("/");
const content = await Deno.readTextFile(filePath);
const mdContent = md6.toHtml(content);
page = page.replace("%content%", mdContent);
page = page.replace("%parents%", parentsLink);
page = page.replace("%siblings%", siblingsLink);
page = page.replace("%children%", childrenLink);
const filePathWrite = `public/${filePath.slice(5, -3)}.html`;
await Deno.writeTextFile(filePathWrite, page, { create: true });
files.forEach((file) => {
makePage(file, files);
// ## Make error page
const page = `${layoutHtml}`
.replace("%content%", "<h1>You seem lost?</h1>")
.replace("%parents%", "")
.replace("%siblings%", "")
.replace("%children%", "");
await Deno.writeTextFile("public/404.html", page, { create: true });